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FOAD Records / Scareystore
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BLOCKHEADS "Trip to the void"
[LP Gatefold]

BLOCKHEADS \"Trip to the void\"
For 30 years now, Blockheads have set a course on the heart of original grindcore. Call it old school, call it political, all in all, they sticked to the idea of criticizing and analyzing the world as it is: cold, oppressive, and bleak. Now it is time to release their sixth album: “Trip to the Void”. Their sonic punishing blastbeat and trademark neck-breaking groove have never been sharper, refined on stage with the likes of Napalm Death, Carcass, or Mumakil, and condensed into the span of these 25tracks/28 minutes of sheer aggression. With their darkest work to date, Blockheads are back, uncompromising and straight to the point, as grindcore should always be.

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