MACABRO GENOCIDIO: welcome this new chaotic and raw Black Metal abomination formed by MasoDesekrator (Funest) and some ex members of Masturbacion Cristiana, a desecrating Italian / Ecuadorian horde based in Milano, Italy. Blasting from start to finish on a blasphemous sonic onslaught topped by some lunatic Satan invoking yells oozing malevolence and cruelty. Old school pestilent Black/Death Metal mixing the extremism of bands like Morbosidad and Sadistik Exekution with a solid old school South American Death Metal imprint.
MOBOSATAN hail from the infernal slums of Peru, and have been active with two demos and three EPs since their disgusting birth in 2013. The members have a deep investment in the Peruvian underground, including drummer To?yn Destructor, who's played with the legendary likes of Hadez and Anal Vomit. Not surprisingly, MORBOSATAN vomit forth a chaotic, careening form of ancient black/death that could only authentically come from South America. It's a scuzzy, sickening sound familiar in the immortal strains of Vulcano, the aforementioned Hadez and Anal Vomit, and early Sarcofago and Holocausto! 4 new studio descrations.