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FOAD Records / Scareystore
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ARTURO "Conversazioni" (black)

ARTURO \"Conversazioni\" (black)
Solid black vinyl limited to 200 copies.
TORINO HARDCORE!!! After releasing a collection of the band's early works (singles and demos from the 90s) we are honored to welcome ARTURO back to the F.O.A.D. roster by reissuing their debut album “Conversazioni” (2001) for the first time on vinyl, coinciding with their return to the stages after more than a decade! 20 tracks of rapid and original hardcore, backed by their always young and energetic atmosphere and the unparalleled inimitable style that makes Torino's underground sound so unique. “Conversazioni” was also the first recording with Gigio (from TOHC legends Church Of Violence) on vocals, adding his unique approach combining the aforementioned school with a Bad Brainish vibe. Recorded at the legendary “Acqualuce Studios” from which all TOHC classics of the 90s and the first two CRIPPLE BASTARDS albums “Your Lies In Check” and “Misantropo a senso unico” came from! LP with insert and OBI strip.

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